Monday, February 28, 2011

I think spring might be around the corner!

I know logically we will have several more snow storms before the three day spring we usually get here in Wyoming! Today was gorgeous...started out chilly but ended up at about 45 degees! I ordered two new pairs of sandals...wishful thinking!

Today I picked out a pendant that I purchased during a jewelry making class, a pair of earrings I purchased in China Town in NYC several years ago, a stone necklace, and a new bracelet from Initial Outfitters!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Gorgeous Saturday in Fremont County

After a quick and pretty solid snow storm last night, today turned out to be a beautiful, sunny day...lots of snow melt on the streets today.  I love late winter days like this.  Went to a co-worker/friend's baby shower this afternoon.  It was a fun time and I can't wait to meet Miss Gracelyn May.  She'll be spoiled rotten by all of her extra "aunts & uncles" in the Main Hall of CWC!

The pendant I wore today used to be an earring...I lost one of them and it was just too pretty to throw away the other one.  I like the abalone shell.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Blue Friday...

For a short work week, it felt like an extra-long one.  Today was a blue and silver day for me...I didn't realize until tonight aht I truly had on only blue:  blue jeans, a blue camisole, blue sweater and even blue boots!  My necklace was the first thing I purchased on e-bay and is lapis from Turkey.  The bracelet is a big chunk of silver, a retro-60's piece I picked up on a trip to Pennsylvania a couple of summers ago with a friend.  We went to several "antique/flea" markets and they had great things!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Baby it's cold outside...

I hate to whine too much but man am I sick of winter!  I'm so ready for spring and sandals.  In fact, I'm watching them sell sandals on HSN (there's not a thing on TV) and am coveting the great shoes! 

I've decided to start wearing the many rings I have in my collection.  I don't normally wear rings unless my nails are done since I don't really love my shorter/stubby fingers.  I've come to the conclusion that I have great hands however...they are strong and capable.  They don't have to be totally gorgeous to be wonderful. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Purple & silver

The necklace I wore today is a big chunk of metal...I wore it a year ago, had to speak in public, and I got so nervous and warm that the necklace felt like a branding iron on my chest.  It's amazing the heat it gathers! LOL

The bracelet is one I bought in Boston last spring and have only worn once! What was I thinking?  It's a great wire piece. The other two pieces were Christmas gifts:  the earrings from Crystal and the pin was a gift from an old flame's mom. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday but it feels like Monday...

It was great to have President's Day off of work yesterday but I will admit that today felt like a Monday and I'm feeling a bit behind. Almost forgot we had a sorority meeting tonight...didn't think about it really being Tuesday! Lordy...I'm losing my mind the older I get.

Monday, February 21, 2011

President's Day

After a relaxing morning, I went to lunch with Cindy & Gwen, then out to WWPS, and then to an appt at Days Spa.  What a great day!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Relaxing Sunday...

After looking at the road report this morning, I'm VERY glad I came home last night.  South Pass was closed this morning and I would have had to go from Rock Springs to Rawlins and then home that way...and extra 120 miles or so.  Yuck!

Today's jewelry was pretty simple...just a pair of silver hoops.  I didn't do much today but did go to Mom & Dad's for dinner.  It was good! :)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

A wild ride home over South Pass

When I left Cokeville this afternoon, the chain law was in effect on South Pass.  By the time I reached Farson and was ready to brave the pass, the chain law had been lifted but after getting to the top, I'm a firm believer that it probably should have been left in place.  The visibility from just south of the Rock Shop to the top of Red Canyon and then down Limestone was next to nothing...20 mph roads too.  Yikes!  Had to remind myself to breathe once in a while.   Good thing I learned good driving skills and steady nerves from my parents...thanks for teaching me to be such a good driver!

I had several compliments on my big necklace today at the tournament.  These earrings are from Initial them...big and flashy but not heavy.  The necklace is big but it is was one I bought on a shopping trip with my garden club friends.  It was one of the only pieces I could fit into (and afford) at Chico's in Fargo, ND.  Linda Barker talked me into trying it on...and she was right...I LOVE it!

Friday, February 18, 2011

On the road again....

Today's road trip was to Cokeville, WY to help run the 2A West Regional Wrestling Tournament.  A fun day was had by all!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Human again...

I went to work today feeling about 1/2 speed...I'm sure Susan was very excited that I came back not feeling 100%. (Sorry Susan)

By about 2:30 this afternoon, I was feeling pretty darned good!  All of the sudden I felt like myself.  :)

I didn't manage much jewelry this morning...just my watch.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2/15 & 2/16

I spent these two days at home battling the flu...headache, body ache, fever, and a cough.  Still not sure I actually feel human tonight.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

Valentine's Day is loved by many and hated by almost as many!  I used to be one of the dislikers of Valentine's Day but as I've "matured" I've come to realized that while we shouldn't have to be reminded by the calendar to tell our loved ones that they mean the world to us...sometimes we get busy and need that nudge. all my loved truly do mean the world to me and I'm sorry that I don't tell you that more often!  Thanks for the part you play in my life!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


I am so far behind in my posting that I'm going to have to post for an entire week...No jewelry today.  I was terribly lazy today as I had a bad headache and didn't get out of my jammies until almost noon. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

RMS Wrestling Tournament today...

Almost 1,000 wrestling matches today...long but productive day.  I wore my "Wolverine" earrings today...\

Friday, February 11, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Becky...

Happy Birthday (24th one) to my friend Becky!  We had a great lunch together today at Perrett's.  My only complaint was that we had to sit in the WORST booth/table they have in the place.  Next to the door so it's cold but also the SKINNIEST booth on the planet.  Food and company were great...atmosphere today was not. 

This morning when I was getting ready for work I felt like I needed a dose of backbone so I picked the necklace I always go to on days like that (hope I don't have anymore before this challenge is over).  The necklace was a gift from my very good friends Paul & Carrie who brought it to me from their trip to Egypt.  The beads are crafted from pieces of camel spine.  It sounds kind of nasty but it looks like wood.  The earrings are wooden giraffe earrings I purchased on a trip to Albuquerque in about 2000 when I worked at RHS.  I took a group of students to NM to a regional FCCLA conference.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


This neckace and earrings were a gift from my very good friend Jody.  The magnetic bracelet I purchased from my favorite shopping spot.  The magnet in it is very strong.  I had it on once at a swim meet, was setting up the laptop to run the meet and the laptop died.  We thought it was the battery and got out a new laptop (always have a backup).  I took it to the back room and was working on it frantically on the workbench next to Mike's anvil.  My bracelet stuck to the anvil and I had an "aha" moment...the magnet in my bracelet had fried the battery in the first laptop.  OOPS! 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday 2/8/11

Today was a purple & pearls today.  Purple blouse & jacket with my pearl and silver chain necklace. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Snow, snow go away....

Wow! I thought we were supposed to have "light snow flurries" today--what happened? The storm that blew in is a "tish" more than flurries. I had to go out north of town after work and seriously questioned my judgement for doing so. Visability was nearly nill.

I picked out a more summery necklace and earrings today hoping to channel warmer weather! These pieces can be found in my Initial Outfitters catalog and were one of the specials last month. I think next time I wear this, I'll wear it with lime green and turquoise--today I wore it with turquoise and brown.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Go Packers!

What an exciting Super Bowl this year!  A championship game should be a close game...I hate the ones that that are a total blow-out.

Today was my friend Cindy's birthday so we all celebrated together at the Time Out during the game.  It was a fun, fun evening!  The bracelet I picked today is one I've had for a long while and never wear.  I think now that I've worn it for this challenge, it'll go in the mail to one of my sisters. 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Conclusion of the tournament....

Over 380 varsity wrestlers...almost 400 JV wrestlers...and a total of almost 1370 matches...DONE!!

I picked my "fork" bracelet to wear today...I love this piece.  It always, always garners comments!  To get your very own...see  It was made in England and the artist is wonderful to work with!  The earrings are some of my own from Initial Outfitters business. 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Wrestling and more wrestling....

Today was the first day of the annual Ron Thon Memorial Wrestling Tournament!  Things went really well--no major injuries and very few snags!  Like a well-oiled machine!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Lost earring...

Today I lost one of my brand new earrings...FRUSTRATING!  I didn't even get a good picture of it!  Dang!  Of course, I wonder how long I really wandered around with only one big silver earring!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Green & Gray

Today was a great a delivery from Initial Outfitters and got to deliver Paula's birthday present to herself and Kelly's great black and hot pink bag!  Made them both smile...what a great 2nd job I have!

I picked a warm gray sweater today and paired it with a green glass necklace and green crystal earrings.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February 1st!

It amazes me how quickly January went by...

I had a great party tonight at Marcia's over in Lander.  Thanks to the ladies who braved the sub-zero temperatures to have some of Marcia's pistachio cake (OMG good!) and to do some shopping!